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Sunday Reset: A Self-Care Ritual

Everyday is self-care day, at least it should be.

Anyone else feel as though when we started to go back out from being inside for a couple of years… self care became… extremely important. Should we go as far as say, an essential need? Yes.

Collectively, we are all feeling this on some level. So much that, the concept of self care has become a hot topic social media specifically. Whether it’s “Become that girl”, “Be present”, and “soft living”, this type of content is very in and the “Top 5 Ways to Grind Your Side Hustle” is very out.

No, this blog is not about social media tips and tricks, sorry, went off track there. It’s about the Sunday Reset. Establishing a self-care ritual is essential for how we take on the day, week, month, and life in general.

  1. Create your own Sunday Routine:
    • The Sunday reset revolves around taking intentional time to reflect on the past week, set intentions for the week ahead, and engage in things that nourish your mind, body, and spirit.
    • It’s not just about physical rest, but also about mental and emotional rejuvenation—we love and adore journaling.
  2. Reflect and Let Go:
    • Begin your Sunday reset by reflecting on the past week. What went well? What challenges did you face? Take stock of your accomplishments and lessons learned, and gently release any negativity or stress.
    • Journaling can be a powerful tool for self-reflection. Write down your thoughts, feelings, and insights, allowing yourself to process and make sense of your experiences.
  3. Recharge:
    • Next, focus on activities that replenish your energy and nourish your soul. This could include indulging in a leisurely breakfast, going for a nature walk, practicing yoga or meditation, or simply curling up with a good book.
    • Engage in activities that bring you joy and promote relaxation. Whether it’s cooking your favorite meal, taking a long bath, or spending quality time with loved ones, prioritize activities that fill your cup.
  4. Set Intentions:
    • As you near the end of your Sunday reset, take some time to set intentions for the week ahead. What do you hope to accomplish? How do you want to feel? Setting clear intentions can help guide your actions and mindset throughout the week.
    • Write down your intentions or affirmations, and place them somewhere visible as a reminder of your goals and aspirations. A post-it note.

The Sunday reset isn’t just a day off—it’s a cherished ritual that allows you to recharge, reflect, and realign with your truest self. By embracing this weekly practice of self-care, you can cultivate a deeper sense of balance, resilience, and fulfillment in your life. So, take a deep breath, embrace the present moment, and let the Sunday reset be your guide.